Updated: 06/12/2024 190 KB

Expectations for homework in Reception, KS1 and KS2


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

We expect all pupils to read at home every day.  A record of this is then kept in the child’s reading record book. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will take home two books each night.

  1. One book will be closely matched to the child’s current knowledge of phonics to enable them to practise applying this knowledge when decoding words.  These books will be carefully selected by the class teacher so that children can read these books confidently with very little help.
  2. The second book will be a book which pupils can share with their family at home.  These books are not closely matched to pupils phonic knowledge and so are designed to be read together with a parent or carer. We call these a ‘love me, share me’ book.

Key Stage 2

We expect all pupils to read at home every day.  A record of this is then kept in the child’s reading record book. Children in KS2 will take home two books each night.

  1. Pupils may continue to take a book home each night which is matched to their phonic ability, if further practice is needed. Other pupils will take home a reading book which will be broadly matched to their current reading ability according to the book band system.
  2. All children will take home a ‘love me, share me’ book that they have chosen and is not necessarily matched to their ability.


  • In KS1, children will learn 2 spelling words and 4 common exception/tricky words each week and will have a spelling quiz for these words on a Friday.
  • In KS2, children will learn 3 spellings from the word lists for their year group from the National Curriculum and 3 spellings linked to the rule they are focussing on in class, they will have a spelling quiz for these words on a Friday.
  • Learning spellings is best completed in short bursts over the course of the week.


Resources for Reception and KS1 Maths can be found in the homework policy appendix.

  • Year 2 and KS2 pupils use Times Tables Rockstars in class, this can be accessed at home.
  • Teachers may sometimes send additional maths tasks to give children the opportunity to practice methods they have learnt in class

Additional Homework

Children are welcome to continue their learning on any subject at home and are encouraged to bring this into school to share with their teacher and class. We also encourage children to find the answers to questions that arise in class during the course of their learning.

If you would like to do more with your child to support their education then we would suggest providing them with a range of rich experiences that will give them increased knowledge of the world. This knowledge is invaluable in developing reading comprehension ability and gives children a wealth of information to draw on when writing in school. Suggestions of places to visit include museums, art galleries, nature reserves, theatres to see plays, libraries and restaurants.  For further information regarding activities that the government suggests children should take part in please download this document My Activity Passport.